Dear Lauren,
You are 4 months old! I am so happy we survived this month. Mommy went back to work on May 5th, one day after you turned 3 months old. It was SO hard being away from you during the day even though I knew you were just fine. You were in the Infant room at the same "school" your brother went to at 3 months old with the same teacher. Michael was in the room next door and told me all month long that he was going to protect baby Lauren at school. He is the sweetest big brother. He and James both love you very much! You are the happiest baby and you now laugh a lot! You think Mommy is pretty funny. You did give us a little scare two weeks ago. We had to take you to the Children's Emergency Room on Sunday night before Memorial Day. You had a bad runny nose and cough. On Sunday your cough sounded terrible. That night I could hear you breathing through the monitor and it did not sound right. So we took you to the hospital. The doctor checked you out and you had a chest X-ray. The doctor said your lungs sounded and looked good. The respiratory therapist suctioned your nose and mouth with a vacuum like tube. You were breathing much better! The doctor assured us you would be just fine. Monday Mommy had to go in to school for half a day and Daddy stayed home with you. Tuesday you went back to school but on Tuesday evening the radiologist called Daddy. She was looking over your x-ray and found a small spot of pneumonia on your lungs. She said you would be fine, needed antibiotics, and should stay home from daycare for the rest of the week. It was Mommy's busiest time of year, the second to last week of school, but I was happy to stay home with you! All of my teacher friends and students were very concerned and they all asked about you. By day 2 of us being at home together you were feeling great!

The pool at the club opened Memorial Day weekend! The water was a little cold but you had fun hanging out with everyone. We have been several times since then and you love being outside. You haven't been in the water just yet but you will soon!
We also had our first Mother's Day together. We all went over to our friend's house in the neighborhood for the 2nd annual Crawfish Boil. The kids were swimming but we just hung out by the pool and relaxed. You really are the happiest baby and we can take you anywhere!
Even though you don't need a bath every night we still give you one. You LOVE bath time! It is now part of our nightly routine. You splash in the water and just smile at Mommy or Daddy.
This picture was taken when I had 12 more days left of school. It was just awful only being able to see you for an hour or so in the evening. I am thankful it was only 5 short weeks and one of those I only taught two days since you were sick. At night I would put you to bed and then miss you as soon as you were asleep. We made it though! I have never been happier to be home with you and your brothers.
Speaking of brothers, I thought Michael would be jealous of you once you arrived but I could not have been more wrong! He has always been a mama's boy. In fact I rocked him every night to sleep until the night before you were born. Then once you were here he realized he is a big boy now and is the big brother. He loves you so much! Michael always asks to hold you, hold your bottle, and he lays down with you in bed or on the floor. James loves you too but Michael absolutely adores his baby Lauren!
So Lauren Elizabeth, what else are you up to at 4 months old?
- You are 24 1/2 inches long and weigh a little over 13 pounds. We will have your official stats after your 4 month appointment next week.
- You are teething like crazy! In fact your first tooth just broke through two days ago! You have the tiniest white dot on the bottom, front, right side.
- Your fingers or fist are in your mouth all the time. I have tried a few teething toys but you have not found one you like yet.
- You do not like a pacifier. I tried to get you to take one and you always spit it out.
- You eat 5-6 oz about every three hours. You are on Gerber Good Start formula only now. Mommy made it 3 months breastfeeding. You have adjusted to the bottle only just fine.
- You have reddish light brown hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen!
- You are the happiest baby girl I know!
- You have been sleeping on your tummy but lately you roll over to your back.
- You can roll over tummy to back but not back to tummy.
- You lay on your play mat and spin around on your back.
- You are reaching and grabbing onto everything.
- You love pulling Mommy's hair.
- The first week of "school" you slept 11-12 hours every night for five days straight! Mommy was getting spoiled.
- You now go to bed around 8:30p.m., wake up at 4:00a.m. for a bottle, then go right back to sleep until 7:30 or 8:00
- You have started "talking" and sometimes even talk yourself to sleep!
- Out of all three of my babies you are the easiest to put to bed. There is a vibrating light with lullabies that was in the pack and play that we put on the corner of your bed. If we turn it on you fall asleep in less than 5 minutes.
- We are out and about a lot. This last month you have been to your brother's soccer games, t-ball games, the club to swim, out to eat, shopping at Target, and to Fort Worth to visit Grandad.
I love you more than I ever thought possible. I have always wanted a little girl and it is still hard to believe sometimes that you are here and you are mine. I can't wait to see how you grow and change this month.