Sunday, February 28, 2010

10 months old

So James Peyton, what are you up to at 10 months old???

You are 30 inches long and weigh 21.5 pounds

You have 2 bottom teeth

You wear a size 4 diaper

You wear size 12 month clothing (which is really 9-12 months, had no idea until I was a mom!)

You are now in a big boy convertible car seat

You will eat anything we give you but fruit seems to be your favorite

You still say "da da" for and "na na" (instead of ma ma) but you now try to repeat words we say

You are quite attached to Mommy and now reach for me and cry when I drop you off at Mother's Day Out (this makes it hard on Mommy, it breaks my heart every time!)

Miss Pam says you are fine within a minute and are happy the rest of the time. She also says you love to be held or rock in the swing.

You LOVE going outside. Everytime Mommy lets the dogs out you crawl as fast as you can out the door!

When outside you throw rocks and try to eat the leaves, you are ALL boy! =)

I think you might be a rockstar when you grow up, specifically a drummer! You bang on tin pans with a wooden spoon or will turn a pan over and use your hand. You have great rhythm!

You still LOVE to dance. We play different kids of music all the time and you stand and bounce your knees or sit on your knees and bounce up and down. It is so cute!

You are crawling so fast now, standing up, and walking across the room pushing your toys.

I love you more than I ever thought possible and we can't wait to see what you are up to next month!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trip to Colorado

JPG On the plane
Grandma-ma & the kids Adyn's ice skating party
Playing in the church nursery
Scott being silly while shopping in Eagle
Sledding Scott & Tiff
View from the house

James and I flew with Grandma-ma to Vail, Colorado to visit Uncle Scott, Aunt Brenda, and James' cousins Myla & Adyn. We had so much fun and every time I see them I realize how much I really miss them all and wished they lived closer. It was James' first time on a plane and to say it was an adventure is an understatement. He wasn't bad, didn't fuss or cry at all but he was awake the whole time and did not sit still! Grandma-ma and I took turns holding him and the flight attendant even let me stand up in the back of the plane in a prohibited area holding James because he liked to be up and about. Grandma-ma and I both felt like we had been in a wrestling match when the plane landed. We arrived on Thursday and spent most of Friday at home. The rest of the weekend we celebrated Adyn's 6th birthday, went sledding, shopping, to church, and had dinner at Swiss Chalet in Vail Village. The airport and the trip home is a story too long to type but we laughed so hard we cried. We decided not to board early since James is such a wiggle worm so that made the flight home seem much shorter. We had a wonderful trip and I can't wait to go back!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! I spent most of mine with my two favorite boys. I woke up to a dozen red roses and two sweet cards addressed to "LOML" and "Mommy". I did have to work for a couple of hours in the afternoon but Sean & James got to spend some quality Daddy/son time. Mildred came over to watch James Sunday evening while Sean and I went to dinner at Mi Cocina then Northpark to see the movie Valentine's Day. Even better, it was Sean's idea to go see a "chick flick"! He actually laughed and enjoyed it as much as I did. ;-)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snowstorm 2010

Tree in our backyard
Tree across the street
Our house Lovers Lane

Fallen limbs I have never seen anything like this in Dallas! It snowed all day and night on Thursday February 11th. Over 12" of snow was recroded at DFW. The pictures above are of our house on Friday morning February 12th. We lost a few huge limbs off of our 40 year old Oak tree out front but fortunately that is all! Many of our neighbors (and Mom & Papa in FW) lost power so we were happy to have electricity and stay warm!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

9 month appointment

Waiting for Dr. Smith
On Daddy's shoulders
Mommy & James
Happy boy
We went to Dr. Smith, our pediatrician, for James' 9 month appointment this morning. She said JP is doing great and a beautiful, healthy, baby boy! Developmentally he is right on track. He had to get his flu shot and Hep B vaccine and the nurse had to prick his big toe to draw blood to test for iron in his diet and to check for lead. James did great and only cried for a minute. Here are his official stats:

Length: 29 3/4 inches (90th percentile)

Weight: 21 lbs 1 ounce (55th percentile)

Head: 18 1/2 inches (90th percentile)

Our next appointment is on May 5th when James will be ONE years old! I can't believe how fast this first year has flown by!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Kim!

Friday night we all went bowling to celebrate Kim's birthday. I had not bowled in a while and even though I wasn't very good, we had so much fun! Happy Birthday Kim! Below are a few pictures from the evening.

Andy & Kim

Ash, Tiff, Kim, & Alli

Tiff & Sean
Marlo, Kim, Tiff, & Sarah
Andrea & Kim

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sleepy boy

Mildred was babysitting Monday evening while I was out with clients and Sean was still at work. She was in the kitchen washing dishes and James was playing in his drawer of pots and pans. Mildred said all of a sudden James was really quiet. She turned around and he was asleep (see picture above) and snoring! She took the picture with her phone. Poor baby, he played so hard he wore himself out!