Wednesday, May 21, 2014


All clean and ready for bed! Lauren is the easiest baby to put down to sleep. We do our usual bedtime routine of bottle, bath, book, prayers, and we put her in her bed awake. She is usually asleep within 5 minutes. Tonight I put her down at 7:29 and she was asleep at 7:30. She must have had a big day at daycare. Last week she was sleeping 11-12 hours without waking up. This week she has been waking up hungry once between 3:00-4:00a.m. It must be a growth spurt. I am so thankful we only have 12 days left of school! This has been the longest 5 weeks ever! I am ready to be home again all the time with this sweet girl. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Date night

I had date night tonight with these two cuties! We went to our school circus performance at a local theater. It was like cirque de soliel but kids from school performing, who have been in circus class all year. We had so much fun!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Almost summer

I miss this cute face when I am at school all day! I cannot wait until we are back together at home for the summer! 16 more days of school!!  I could not get enough snuggling tonight. I don't think I put her down all evening! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

3 months old

Dear Lauren,

You are 3 months old! I can't believe how fast time has gone by! 
You are 12lbs 5 oz and 24 inches long
You now wear a size 2 diaper. Pampers Swaddlers are our favorite.
You wear size 3-6 month clothing. There are a few 0-3 month onesies that fit.
You have 0 teeth but I think you are teething!
You are smiling all the time!
You are the sweetest baby and love for your brothers to entertain you!
You go to bed around 7:30 and almost sleep through the night. You still wake up between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. for a bottle.
You nursed for 3 months but we still supplement with Gerber Good Start Formula and you seem to be doing great.
Mommy is going back to school for 5 weeks and then we will be together again for the summer. You are starting Brookhaven Child Development Center where Michael has been since he was 11 weeks old! You will have the same teacher in the infant room that he had for a year so I know you will be well taken care of. I love you sweet girl and can't believe our 3 months at home together is up! I can't want until summer.