Dear Michael,
You are three months old today! How is that possible? It seems like we were just bringing you home from the hospital a month ago. I am enjoying every moment with you because I know time goes by so fast and the next thing I know you will be six months old. This past month you started going to Brookhaven Child Development Center with your big brother. Daddy takes you and James in the mornings and Mommy usually picks you both up. You are the youngest in the infant room right now so you get lots of attention! You seem to be adjusting well and take long naps while you are there. Mommy and Daddy call and check on you every day and you are always doing great! Mommy has six more weeks of school and then we get to spend the summer together. I can't wait!
So Michael Scott, what are you up to at 3 months old???
You are 24 1/2 inches long and weigh 13 1/2 pounds
You wear a size 1 diaper but I think you will be moving up to size 2 after we finish this pack.
You are starting to wear your 3-6 months clothes but still wear a few outfits that are 0-3 months.
You have the cutest little feet I have ever seen! I couldn't resist posting the picture below:
You eat about every three hours. You nurse when I am home but are great at taking a bottle too! You eat 4 oz each feeding.
You are the BEST sleeper! You sleep from 8:30-5:00 then Mommy feeds you. We both go back to sleep until I have to get up at 6:30. You are usually still sleeping when I leave for work. Daddy gets both you and James up and ready for school and takes you every day. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy!
You smile a lot and love to "talk" to us.
You sometimes take a pacifier but usually prefer your fist, even if you are not hungry.
You are so strong! When on your tummy you push up and lift your head up and look around.
You only like being on your back for a few minutes but love tummy time. I put you on your back on a blanket on the floor and you wanted to be on your tummy so bad you almost rolled over back to tummy!
You are reaching and grabbing for things. Grandma-ma taught you how when you spent two weeks together when Mommy first went back to work earlier this month. We think you are so smart already!
Before you were born I wondered how I could possibly love another child as much as I love James? But I now know it is possible and I love you more than words could ever express. You make my heart melt when you smile and are my sweet baby boy. I can't wait to see how you grow and change this next month!