Dear James,
I can't believe in one month you will be two years old! Your personality is really shining these days and we laugh at (with) you a lot! You are self-confident and strong willed but also the most sweet and loving little boy. You love to give us kisses which always have to be followed with a hug. You even give kisses to "Mytul" each night before you go to bed without any prompting from Mommy or Daddy. You also say "Love you Mommy! Love you Mytul!" when Daddy takes you into your room to read and go "night night". The biggest change in the last month is that you now sleep in a big boy bed! No more crib and it was the easiest transition. You love being able to climb into your own bed and you stay there until early morning when you like to climb in bed and snuggle with us.
You seem to be a favorite with all of the teachers at school and they say you are so easy going and play well with all of the kids in your class. Since Mommy is a teacher too this makes me smile. I want you to always have the kind heart you do now and to be nice to everyone!
So James Peyton, what are you up to at 23 months old?
You are 36 inches tall and weigh 30 pounds
You wear a size 5 diaper
You wear a size 2T shirt, shorts, and pants but we will be buying 3T shirts for summer!
You wear a size 7 1/2 shoe
You LOVE to read books and your favorites right now are Dr. Seuss' "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?", Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs, Elmo So Big!, Mater's Best Friend (Cars) You have started saying complete sentences and thoughts and your vocabulary continually amazes us! You are very polite and say "pease" and thank you. You also say yes sir and yes m'am which sounds like "yesam". The other day YOU sneezed and said "bless you" right after.
You continue to be a wonderful eater with pasta and fruit as your favorite foods. You also love yogurt. When you wake up in the morning you love to start your day with "orange juice" and it is the first thing you ask for when you wake up but it is mostly water with a splash of o.j.
You RUN everywhere and are very fast!
You and Daddy play basketball at night in our living room before bath time. The other day I picked you up from school and as we were riding home you started saying, "dribble, dribble shoot!", "dribble, dribble, shoot!"
You also LOVE tennis right now and like to go play on the tennis courts at the park, especially when Ellie comes to visit.
You LOVE your big sister. You like playing with Simon too but you talk about Ellie all the time after she is here. I took the sweetest picture of you two hugging good bye after Simon & Ellie spent a week with us for spring break. See below!
I am so proud to be your Mommy and I don't think I can ever put into words just how much I love you.