We also had a professional photographer, Terry Smith http://www.clarinesmith.com/ , come to the house today and take pictures of James. She was so good with him and takes incredible pictures! The pictures should be on her website in two weeks and we will get a cd. I will post a few of my favorites as soon as we have them. We are also going to have her take pictures of James at 6 months and 1 year. My friend Courtney did the same with her son Jacob and I thought it was a great idea!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Blanket pictures
We also had a professional photographer, Terry Smith http://www.clarinesmith.com/ , come to the house today and take pictures of James. She was so good with him and takes incredible pictures! The pictures should be on her website in two weeks and we will get a cd. I will post a few of my favorites as soon as we have them. We are also going to have her take pictures of James at 6 months and 1 year. My friend Courtney did the same with her son Jacob and I thought it was a great idea!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Four weeks old
Our little angel
Your baby may gurgle, coo, grunt, and hum to express his feelings. A few babies also begin squealing and laughing. Be sure to coo and gurgle back, and talk to your baby face to face. He'll enjoy holding your gaze now. If you have things to do, your baby will still enjoy hearing your voice from across the room. And don't feel silly about using baby talk — babies are particularly attuned to this high-pitched, drawn-out way of communicating, which can actually teach your baby about the structure and function of language.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Three weeks old!
Belly baby
Be sure you're continuing to put your baby down on his stomach for "tummy time" when he's awake. Babies should sleep on their back, but they also need to spend time on their belly every day to strengthen their neck muscles, which help them push up, roll over, sit up, and crawl. By the end of this week, your baby may lift his head briefly and possibly move it from side to side when he's lying on his stomach. Try putting your face in front of your baby's to encourage him to hold up his head to look at you. You can also roll up a towel or receiving blanket and put it under her chest to help get him started with his push-ups. Soon, his nervous system and muscle control will mature and her jerky movements will become more fluid.
Babies love and need to suck, so don't discourage it. In fact, you may have discovered that a pacifier works wonders in helping your baby calm down.The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using pacifiers at nap time and bedtime, based on evidence that using a pacifier may reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). When the binky or your finger isn't around, your baby may even be able to find her thumb or fingers to soothe himself.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Super Target
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Two weeks old
Mother's Day
I had a wonderful first Mother's Day! Grandma-ma, Papa, and Great-Grandmom came over Saturday night for dinner. Sunday James gave me the best Mother's Day present ever, he let me sleep until 9:30 a.m. We spent the day at home then took James out for the first time. We went to an early dinner at Uncle Julio's and James slept the entire time! He is such a good baby. We were only gone a little over an hour but I was ready to bring him back home!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
One week old today
James is one week old today! We are doing great and adjusting to our new life at home. James eats every 2-3 hours so that keeps us busy! He is also sleeping about 3-4 hours at a time at night so he is letting mommy and daddy get a little sleep! Here is what babycenter.com says about how he is growing this week:
Your baby's eyesight is still pretty fuzzy. Babies are born nearsighted and can see things best when they're about 8 to 15 inches away, so he can see your face clearly only when you're holding him close. Don't worry if your baby doesn't look you right in the eye from the start: Newborns tend to look at your eyebrows, your hairline, or your moving mouth. As he gets to know you in the first month, he'll become more interested in having eye-to-eye exchanges. Studies show that newborns prefer human faces to all other patterns or colors. (Objects that are bright, moving, high-contrast, or black-and-white are next in line.)
Stork Sign
Monday, May 4, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Going home
We are so excited to be going home today! Above are two pictures from our stay at the hospital. It has been a long three days and we cannot wait to take James home with us. I will be updating the blog with lots of pictures soon. Here are a few things I have learned about James so far:
2. So far he only cries when he is hungry or has a dirty diaper.
3. He is fascinated by his hands and loves to have them on his face and he also loves to hold my finger in his little hand.
4. He has the cutest sneeze I have ever heard!
5. I think he might grow up to be a great soccer player because he loves to kick his feet and move his legs. No wonder I constantly felt him kicking my ribs!