I am so happy to be home! I left last Sunday, Father's Day, for the Phil Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy at The Woodlands Resort and Conference Center. Sean had our sweet boys all by himself for three nights. It was the first time since April 27, 2009 that I had spent by myself, without James or Michael with me and it was my very first time away from Michael. The Academy was five days long and it was an honor to be asked to go but the only way I even considered accepting was if Sean agreed to bring the boys down with him mid-week. Every attendee had his or her own hotel room and the Academy encouraged family to join us so, mine did! Not only do I have a sweet and thoughtful husband but he is an amazing Dad. I was impressed that he took care of the boys for four days and was able to pack everything we/they needed for our mini family vacation without my help!
Friday the 24th was the last day of the Academy but we decided to extend our mini vacation and headed to Austin for the weekend. We stayed with our good friends Laura and Chris. We also got to visit my friend Lynn and celebrate her daughter's 2nd Birthday and we had so much fun swimming at The Four Seasons with Aunt Lea, Sean's sister. It was a busy weekend but we had the best time and the boys are great travelers! Sunday was the first day James woke up and said, "I want to go home." He loves home and gets excited, claps, and says, "yay home!" everytime we pull in the driveway. It always makes me smile because I love home too. I will post pictures from the Academy and Austin soon. I also have a few posts to catch up on and the rest of the pictures from our photo session with Sabrina Gebhardt. There are some great pictures of the boys I can't wait to share!
A State of Worship
9 years ago